
The Wrist Extension Test

Test Objective for the Wrist Extension Test

The Wrist Extension Test is a great test to determine if the wrists have enough ability to extend or “bend backward”. This motion is imperative in the golf swing as it affects both the downswing as well as the backswing. Any limitation in Wrist Extension can cause compensations during both of these portions of the golf swing, which can ultimately lead to poor mechanics, injuries or both.

How to Perform the Wrist Extension Test

In a standing position, begin test by extending both arms directly out in front of you. Make sure to keep the arms level (parallel) with the ground, and hands approximately at chest height. Form a fist with each hand and have the palms facing the ground about 6-10 inches apart from one another. Next, ask the client to simply bend both fists upward toward the ceiling while keeping the arms locked and parallel to the level of the ground. 

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